Recent issues

This is a pretty boring post, but I didn’t want to go silent for too long. I just wanted to let people know that work continues on Unity shaders and the Mac port. Things have been slow lately, partly because there is a rather full on week of conferences for game developers in Melbourne (GCAP and PAX Aus happen within two days of each other), and partly because of random personal stuff (mum’s recovering from knee surgery and we’re approaching fire season so there’s been a bunch of stuff that needs doing), and then to put a final annoying conclusion on the whole thing, my computer crapped out yesterday and (seemingly) has to be replaced. Stuff is backed up so no worries on that front, it’s all just inconveniences. Sorry for the somewhat whiny and very unexciting post, but as I say, I figured I should say something so people don’t think I’ve died or abandoned Sprite Lamp. I realise there are folks out there hanging out for updates, particularly Unity-related stuff, and I’m sorry for the time it’s taking getting things done. At least the next couple of weeks will probably be an improvement.